Sunday, March 14, 2010

He's into everything!!

Crue has lost most interest in playing with his mommy during the day and now just wants to get into everything. He can climb stairs (3 so far). He pulls up on everything, and will walk along the furniture. He also thinks he can stand alone because he will pull up to standing and then let go. So we have had a lot of little bumps lately. We are working on finishing up the babyproofing. The other day I pulled him away from the fireplace 20 times, no exageration, and 5 of those times we had to go wash his hands because he made it before I could stop him. Any suggestions for babyproofing a fireplace on floor level? We are worried he will pull any thing we put on the ground on top of himself.

He never really sits up the regualr way, although he knows how. Instead he pulls up to his knees and sits up on them like this. This is one of his favorite "toys" the recycling bin.

Look at that sad face. This is how I now find him when he doesn't want to nap. I am so scared he is going to fall back and hit the bars. This is pretty high for him to pull up so his arms are usually shaking when I get to him! Oh yeah, his favorite things to do include randomlylicking the kitchen floor and garbage can. So gross, but there is really nothing I can do but keep them clean.

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